C2D: Council for sustainable development

In 2005, the Department of the Hauts-de-Seine has implemented its Sustainable Development Council, C2D, chaired by François Leblond.

The C2D Hauts-de-Seine is composed of 48 members divided into four colleges (elected representatives, socio-professional actors, qualified personalities, associations representatives), to issue opinions and proposals for sustainable development at the request of the President of the County Council.

Open data: make data accessible to all

The issue of opening data led the C2D to reflect on the issues (decompartmentalization, information sharing, modernization, transparency and re-use data) and to determine the ways to move forward in order to ensure that Open Data reaches fully the ambitious targets that it has set, in terms of transformation of public action, improving the relations of the public with the citizens and economic of the territories.

Freight and urban logistics

After presenting the challenges of urban logistics in the Hauts-de-Seine in the context of changing business practices in connection with electronic commerce, the notice to the President of the County Council details 13 recommendations.
They are designed to control the flow of goods, facilitate the logistics of the final kilometre, develop modal and multimodality and assist road transport to evolve to limit its nuisance.
Encourage alternatives to delivery at home (spaces relay, electronic lockers), experience delivery walk in city centers, keep needs specific crafts, massify supply of building sites, cover the territory of urban logistic spaces, harmonize schedules of delivery between neighbouring towns, to ensure the maintenance of multimodal platforms, grant terms of delivery favourable to the least polluting vehicles… are some of the operational recommendations set out by the C2D , destined for the public and private actors of the territory.

Greater Paris

As part of the launch of the Grand Paris project in 2009, the Council for sustainable development has made proposals on the assets that the Department of the Hauts-de-Seine should enhance, points of vigilance and desirable developments in quality of life, rhythms, uses, services and technological, cultural and social development.

Energy transition

  • Climate energy (CFEP) Territorial Plan: coordination between actors to go towards more energy efficiency and results?
  • Renewable energy and "energy mix" in the Hauts-de-Seine: what potential and how to optimize resources?
  • Simplicity and efficiency: innovation and reproducibility in the Hauts-de-Seine.
  • Costs and benefits of energy transition.

Grenelle of the environment

The work of the Grenelle of the environment have resulted in 238 commitments grouped into 4 chapters:
1. Fight against global warming
2. Preserve and manage biodiversity and natural environments
3. Preserve the health and the environment while stimulating the economy
4. Ecological democracy.

Prior to adoption of the law of program relative to the implementation of the Grenelle environment, the C2D brought together in an opinion, on the one hand the action proposals for the County Council of the Hauts-de-Seine, and on the other hand, the actions that members of the C2D themselves propose to conduct.