Study visit of Rennes Métropole may 3, 2016

The COFHUAT organized a study visit of Rennes Métropole may 3, 2016    


Mr Jean-Luc Gaudin, Vice President development, Ms. Céline Racapé, chargée de mission forms urban


9 h 45 – 11 h 00: Presentation of the context of Rennes Métropole, SCOT, Tom, PLH, PLA

11 h 20 – 12 h 20: visit of the ZAC Courrouze community, recipient of the Nature in the city of

Palmares Éco-quartier 2011 (with Mr Gaudin, VP, Mr Dartigalongue, SEM territory? and Mr Chabru)

Franck, Rennes Métropole operation load? )

Principal topics covered:

-Step Éco-quartier

-Functional diversity

-Place of nature in the draft

-Urban renewal district: recreate the city in a neglected neighborhood


14 h 00 – 17 h 15: operations visits

Orgères from Noyal-Châtillon and St Erblon-shift. By the D82

14 h 30 – 15 h 30: visit of the ZAC centre bourg and ZAC from the Prairies to Orgères (4 100 population)

Main topics discussed:

-Urban renewal


-The diversity of urban form

-Innovative architectures

15 h 45 – 16 h 45: visit the Blosne district

Principal topics covered:

-Quartier ANRU

-Park network

-Rehabilitation, change of destination

-Cluster services, equipment (Conservatory)

16 h 55 – 17 h 35: visit of the ZAC Rabelais Rouault

Principal topics covered:

urban renewal

creation of a centrality in the area (housing area, shops, gardens

public and EHPAD)


If you wish to participate, please return to the secretariat of the COFHUAT registration 03052016